What is the FUTURE of CELESTIAL YOUTHS (Ayodele Allen)

What is the future of the youths in our fold, The CALLED, CHOSEN, AND THE ORDAINED. Some are first called into the fold (Jesus is calling you oh come oh sinner come), hymn 8 of the celestial hymn, and in coming into the fold some are CHOSEN by God. Some are CHOSEN by inheritance but not all that are CHOSEN would be ORDAINED some are CHOSEN as a vessel unto honor and some as vessels unto dishonor 2nd Timothy 2:20-22. What is our future in this last boat of salvation as youths in this fold, some are being called into the fold as choristers, ushers, some are chosen as prophet/Prophetess, evangelist, shepherds, but not all are CHOSEN TO BE ORDAINED. ONE OF THE MOST IMPORTANT VICE THAT CAN MAKE A CHOSEN NOT TO BE AN ORDAINED IS HYPOCRISY: HYPOCRISY IN THE CHURCH 1, As a sheperd in the fold 2, As a chorister 3, As a Prophet /Prophetess 4, As a member in d fold HYPOCRISY AS A SHEPERD: When our Shepherds preach positivity and they practi...