A Must Read for all TRUE CELESTIAL!!!
By Olusho Elijah Ligali
Celestial Church Of Christ clads in White Cloth, but the pattern and design differs in all aspect and it was an instruction given to Papa SBJO by the Holy Spirit to the Church when the church started from inception. Because when the church came to existence it was a mystery which no man on earth could/can comprehend, even the founder confessed that he doesn't understand the church because it came with a mystery.
Now, Our Garment Is Divine.
Our garments came as an instruction of God to Papa SBJO with an hierarchy in which the different ranks are distinguished by the robe worn. The white sutanna of every member is symbolic of priestly authority, this is divine and revelational.
The first contact between Man and the Lamb Of God was the skin of the Lamb. And what brought the Skin of the Lamb is the sins from our forefather Adam and Eve when they were sent out of Garden of Eden for their disobedience.
Then God was just to give Man the Skin of the Lamb in order to cover the nakedness of Man; Our Sutanna pattern has been grossly bastardized in all respect and we are losing the power in the sutanna.
The way we sow out garments these days are not the way it was revealed to our father SBJO. Nowadays, we sow to our fittings and anyone who go against the instructions of God will run out of place. In the church today the spiritual essence of the garment is fading because of our nonchalant attitude and our carelessness and our exposure make us lose the spiritual essence of our garments.
Our garment should be separated from our mofty, our garment is not just anyhow cloth whereby when we wash we squeeze to dry it. NO.
We are given the garment because we are KINGS And QUEENS in the Palace Of our Father. So we have to address ourselves as kings and queens to the world but these days, we are not in the place God has placed us to be, we begin run after what is not given to us.
Most especially the ladies/women, they sow C&S garment for fitting and you are losing the benefits of the garment. While male sow slim fit; and anyone who sow such a garment in this church is binding himself in the spiritual world and not free at all.
In our garment we ought to be free and balanced. And according to the instructions given to SBJO every garment has its own measurements but now we design our Sutanna by ourselves; your garment must be free on you both male and female.
This is the reason why we call it Garment Of Glory (Aso Ogo).
In CCC we don't share our garment with others, because if you do, you are bound to lose your portion to such person like the story of Esau and Jacob when the mother went ahead and bring the cloth of Esau to Jacob to receive the blessing of Esau. I will like everyone to observe this, when the Word Of God is not coming forth in your life then you have a torn garment; and when there's a torn garment you loose your testimony.
In Celestial Church our garment has its spiritual meaning and significance.
A Brother garment came with "Breastplate with Five Buttons" on the shoulder facing the Glory Of God which is Northside, which means "A Voice from From Zion."
A Female garment came with a "Gathers" and not plittings and their cap is without elastic but now there are different types of caps like chef caps in the kitchen and some elastic. Female cap without elastic and a chef cap shows you are a Queen.
Let us not borrow course from other churches to our churches, it's affecting the church seriously.
And the Female Garment signifies "A Voice in Zion." Because they are in the Glory side already which is Northern side.
These days our prophet garment are rectangular and not four corners anymore. And because the shapes are not square anymore they are now rectangular: from that, you won't be able to visit or receive from those cardinal points and that is why most prophet have to (da ogbon sรญ), because those that will give them words from the corners are not very much available.
In Celestial Church now, the Breastplate has been removed from male garment and the heart is no more guided. In Celestial Church our male garment has breastplate and it is the breastplate that guides your heart but it was removed. Most importantly, it will guide you from any unnecessary forces to come into you.
That is why the clergymen must not open up their chest outside in the public anyhow, for anybody to see except in their house with their family alone.
Remember, the Breastplate Guides Your Heart.
To be continued....
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